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wuwi is a girl y sgt2 luar biaselaaa... takot tak... wuwi xdela cm gurl len kt luar tuuu... nk tau lbey2 knln la ek.. huhuhu

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


nk bercerite tp xtau pd sape..
alek2 kt cni gak la aku nk luahkan...
saket sgt ati bile ade org cm rase dri die bgus...
nobody is perfect!!!
tlg la ingt wahai mnusie....
bru pgang jwtn tggi cket je...
bkn nye jwtn y sgt2 tggi.....
ketua unit je pon...
disbbkb org2 cmni la org len pndg rendah pd org "gomen"...
tlg la isaf wahai mnusie y berkenaan....
bpijak di bumi y nyate...
eeee.....x suke xsuke xsuke...
stress nye laaa...
rase xnk pndg pon muke org cmtuh!!!
aku doakn org2 cmni nnti dibls kt akhirat jelaa....
xreti nk ckp daa...
sbb ati saket sgt2 niii...

1 comment:

  1. Hi, can I contact you through your email? I've something to share that might interest you.

    aarongrey112 gmail.com
